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Castration Options Or What to do about Dogs Balls

Castration Options Or What to do about Dogs Balls

Traditional surgical castration of male dogs does not suit all families. Maybe you can’t bare not to see his testicles swing? Maybe you would like to have puppies at a later stage? Maybe due to lifestyle, you cannot look after a dog post-surgery? Maybe you just don’t know if you want such a permanent solution? Maybe you have an older dog with prostate issues and are concerned about him having an anaesthetic?

Fortunately, there is another option for people and dogs in this category. For male dogs, we are able to offer a long-acting male contraceptive implant. This implant is called Suprelorin and induces temporary chemical castration.

The active ingredient in Suprelorin, Deslorelin, blocks testosterone. Blocking testosterone meaning signals for sexual behaviour, sperm production, and prostate growth are stopped as well. So the implanted dog is temporarily unable to reproduce. The implant lasts between 6-18 months, and multiple doses can be given throughout life without affecting return to fertility when it wears off. However, there have been extremely rare cases of permanent infertility with Suprelorin use.

Surgical castration also inhibits testosterone signalling. After surgical castrate we see similar changes in decreased sexual behaviour and prostate growth. There is no sperm production as the testicles have been removed. Surgical castration is permanent, and the most effective way we have of preventing unwanted puppies. 

Surgical castration is a once off expense in a dog’s life, whereas the Suprelorin needs to be repeated to remain effective throughout life.

If you would like to discuss the surgical or chemical option for castrating your dog, then please contact North Coast Veterinary Services on (02) 66840735.

  • Posted 23 March, 2019

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